I have not always been a dog lover. It wasn't
until I gave in and got a dog for my kids that I
realized what all the craze was about. I fell in
love and added a new pup a few years later.
7 years ago we had to put both dogs down and
it broke my heart!
For years I would have to get my "dog fix" from the dogs of friends, family, and strangers. We finally decided that enough was enough and we adopted a beautiful Border Collie/Australian Cattle Dog mix and named him Poco. He is well-behaved and a loved addition to our family.
So, as you can see, I really adore dogs! When I come to "pick up where your dog left off", your furry friend will get a heartfelt greeting. Doing the dirty work doesn't bother me one iota and I enjoy meeting all the doggies.
If you're tired of cleaning up after your pet, call me....let's talk POOP!
Judy Swanson, Entremanure
Head Pooper Scooper
(719) 551-1947

About Judy